Pre-Owned Mausoleum or Cemetery Spaces
Quite often families come to us and say they have burial spaces or mausoleum crypts that they are not going to use. Whether they have moved, changed cemeteries or decided on something different, their plans have changed. These burial spaces are NEW, and NEVER have been used, they have only been purchased or are pre-owned. Generally these spaces are usually at least 50% less cost to purchase than comparable spaces right next to them. We think that this offers our client families additional value in considering final expenses. We don't act as intermediary on the inquiries you make to these people who are just looking to transfer these pre-purchased spaces to a family who wants them. With that said, what these are listed for is what they will sell for with full disclosure and legal transfer. If your experience is anything other than described , we will help.
Elmhurst Cemetery 000 Joliet, Il.
Four (4) Graves for sale at beautiful Elmhurst Cemetery in Joliet. These spaces are adjacent to one another and available in the Devotion Section, Lot 283, graves 1,2,3 & 4. Retail cost per grave as of July 19, 2023 is $1,500, or a total of $6,000 for all four. We are offering these four sites at $900 each, or $3600 and are willing to include and pay for the associated fees for deed transfer and care.
If you are interested, please call Lynne at (815) 690-4138 or via email at mjplumber@comcast.net
Posted 07/19/2023
Elmhurst Cemetery 001
Joliet IL
Very motivated sellers have (4) graves available, Fairlawn section, Lot 702, graves 3, 4, 5 and 6. A value of $4,000-$4,800, asking only $550 each. Please contact Melinda at 309-642-0162 or melinda.weigle@gmail.com if interested.
Updated 10/15/15
Elmhurst Cemetery 002
Joliet IL
(3) Graves for sale, Linwood Section, two together, one single - asking $700/each. For more information, please call Josephine Ruth at H: 726-6990, C: 546-4396 or W: 727-1926
Posted 7/9/14
Elmhurst Cemetery 003
Joliet IL
(2) Companion Crypts in Elmhurst Cemetery. I am asking "market value" for both crypts. This includes the deed transfer fee. Feel free to call for any additional information: Tom Henry (252) 638-5837
Amended 10/11/2024
Elmhurst Cemetery 004
Joliet IL
(3) graves for sale in Elmhurst Cemetery, Lynwood Section, $850/each. If interested, call Mrs. Josephine Ruth at 815-727-1926 or 815-546-4396.
Posted 10/1/2015
Elmhurst Cemetery 006
Joliet, IL.
Two (2) graves for sale at Elmhurst Cemetery, Joliet, Illinois. They are in the Garden Section, lot #321, graves five (5) and six (6). Seller will pay all fees. One grave will cost $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) or two graves will cost $1,900.00 (One thousand nine hundred dollars). If interested, call Linda at 815-741-2857 and leave a message.
Posted 7/4/2020
Elmhurst Cemetery 007
Joliet, IL.
Niche for sale at Elmhurst Cemetery Joliet IL. Regular Price $1695 sale price $1200.
Contact Bob Augustine @ 815/973-4771 or email bobaugustine104@msn.com
Posted 07/22/2020
Elmhurst Cemetery 008
I have 3 plots I would like to sell. We bought six plots in 1974 as a family however now have families of our own we would wish to be buried near.
The plots are: Elmhurst Cemetery, Fairview section, Lot 73, graves 7,8,9
Current value $1300 each. Will sell for $550 each.
Contact information: Diane Casali (630) 981-1904 or email at: ggandkk@aol.com
Posted 4/28/2021
Elmhurst Cemetery 009
Three [3] Plots located in Fairlane Section, Lot 699, adjoining spaces. $1700 each space, includes transfer fees and perpetual care. $3,900 for all three [3] spaces.
Cash only. Call: (407) 716-9916.
Posted 11/16/2021
Mt. Olivet Cemetery 001
Joliet IL
(2) in-ground burial spaces, side-by-side, Lot 1, Block 3, Section 11, Graves 1 & 2. I am asking $1,250.00 for both, plus deed and transfer fees. Valued at $2,500.00. For additional information, please call Deneen at 928-302-4789.
Posted 7/23/15
St. Cyril & Methodius Cemetery, Joliet
FIVE cemetery lots together. St. Cyril & Methodius Cemetery in Joliet; North Lot, Section X #’s 13-14-15-16-17. $750.00 each or 15% discount when buying more than one. Seller pays the transfer fee. Please email rjdzurko@gmail.com if interested.
Posted 8/19/2020
Woodlawn Memorial Park Cemetery 001 Joliet, IL.
Cantigny Post VFW is trying to raise revenue to improve their facility. They are selling 15 grave spaces that they own in prime sections of this cemetery. Current value to purchase these lots which includes, lot cost ($2970.75), perpetual care fee ($534.25) and the transfer fee of ($150.00) totals ($3,495.00) per lot.
To raise money for capital improvements and operations they will accept a donation of $2,300.00 per lot.
Grave spaces in these location are difficult if not impossible to find please call Lou Smith, Jr. at 815-722-5398 or for quicker response you may email at: navyar8@att.net
Posted 10/18/2018
Woodlawn Memorial Park 002
Joliet IL
(2) Lawn Crypts in the Rugged Cross section of beautiful Woodlawn Cemetery. These lawn crypts are valued at $4995 each. One opening and closing (Mon-Fri) valued at $1320. Transfer fee of $175. Total value is $11,485. We are asking $8000 OBO. Please contact Judy @ 812-701-2639 or Mike @ 812-701-2601
Posted 2/18/15
Woodlawn Memorial Park 003
Joliet IL
I have (2) Mausoleum Crypts inside the chapel building that I or my family are not going to use. The market price for comparable crypts are $12,600 today. I am asking $8,000 for both crypts. Feel free to call for any additional information: John 815-729-9140
Posted 11/30/2012
Woodlawn Memorial Park 004
Joliet IL
(2) Mausoleum Crypts - I am asking $10,000 for both crypts. Feel free to call for any additional information: Bill Parduck 928-240-2830
Posted 1/25/2013
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 005
Lot 97C, spaces 1&2. Valued at $3,799.99 each. Selling for $3200.00 Each. Seller pays transfer fees. Please contact Cindy or Harry at 815-518-5023.
Posted 9/25/2020
Woodlawn Memorial Park 006
Joliet IL
(2) Cemetery in-ground burial spaces in the Garden of Valor veteran section. I am asking $1,200/space. Feel free to call for any additional information: Gary Cole 815-729-2305
Posted 2/14/2013
Woodlawn Memorial Park 007
Joliet IL
We have 2 cemetery plots at Woodlawn Cemetery in Joliet Illinois. They are located in Garden of Our Savior Lot 47 spaces 1 & 2. We are asking $3500 apiece for them so $7000 for both. Yvonne Larose: Ylaros01@yahoo.com (630)531-1783
Posted 3/29/2021
Woodlawn Memorial Park 008
Joliet IL
spaces, which includes the deed transfer fee. Retail $2,800. Feel free to call for any additional information: Chuck and MaryAnn Holl (815)723-4788
Posted 3/6/2013
Woodlawn Memorial Park 009
Joliet IL
(2) Mausoleum Crypts For Sale $20,000 for both - side by side, 2nd level in the beautiful main chapel. Includes: Double crypt, lettering, emblems, vase, light, opening/closing and entombment fees. This area is Sold Out! We will also pay transfer fees. Call Frank or Nancy Budzinski at 815-280-5478 for more information.
Posted 6/13/14
Woodlawn Memorial Park 010
Joliet IL
(2) Cemetery in-ground burial spaces, Lot 15-A, graves 1 & 2 in the Garden of Memories section. I am asking $2,000, value $4,200. Feel free to call for any additional information: Charles and Jane Klein (309) 808-3008
Posted 3/6/2013
Woodlawn Memorial Park 011
Joliet IL
2 Plots in Garden of Our Savior - Woodlawn Memorial Gardens
2 Vaults-1 Double Bronze marker
Value as of July 2018 = $12,500
Willing to discount package to $8,000 and pay all fees for transfer.
Contact Kimberly Apgar at 815-474-9218
Re-Posted 7/17/2018
Woodlawn Memorial Park 012
Joliet IL
(2) Cremation Urn niches - Section: Chapel of Peace, Location: Indoor Mausoleum, Type: Side-by-Side, includes (2) Plaques. A $6,120 value for $5,100. Feel free to call for any additional information: John Gurka (815) 723-0292
Posted 3/8/2013
Woodlawn Memorial Park 013
Joliet IL
2 Burial Spaces in Section 9, Lot 480, Spaces 1-2
Asking $ 3,200 each (negotiable). Call Don at 714-974-9640
Posted 8/13/19
Woodlawn Memorial Park 014
Joliet IL
(4) Burial Spaces in the Garden of Prayer, Lot 58B, Graves 1-4, asking $2,300 each. Call Barbara for more information: (618) 616-2824.
Updated 11/11/15
Woodlawn Memorial Park II 015
Joliet, IL.
Two burial spaces located under a beautiful tree in Section J of Woodlawn Memorial Park II, the former Hills of Rest Cemetery. These graves, which have been in our family for many years, are in a beautiful section of the cemetery where prime property is no longer available. Asking price is $1,750.00 per grave and may be purchased separately. Seller will pay any administrative costs associated with the sale and transfer of these burial rights.
Contact Paula at 815-791-5784 for more information.
Re-Posted 3/6/2021
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 018
Posted 12/2/2020
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 019
Joliet IL
(2) Burial Spaces in the desirable Garden of Our Savior section of Woodlawn Memorial Park, including (2) Ascon (lined protective) burial vaults and (1) flush level, bronze double market with vase. Asking $3,900.00 plus cemetery transfer fee. Please contact Don Larson at 815-729-9322 for more information.
Posted 7/23/15
Woodlawn Memorial Park 020
Joliet IL
(4) Cemetery spaces in the premier Section 8. Monuments and headstones are permitted. Value $2,995 for each space. Asking $1,500.00 Will sell 2 spaces together or best offer for all 4 (Lot 494, Space 3, Lot 493, Space 1,2,3). Call George (480-227-9876) or email george.corum@cox.net for more details.
Posted 11/7/2015
Woodlawn Memorial Park 021
Joliet IL
(2) Graves and (1) full size burial vault for sale in the St. George section of Woodlawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Joliet. CMV each grave is currently $2,395. Will sacrifice for $3,500 or reasonable offer. Call Bob for more information at (815) 955-3405.
Posted 11/17/2015
Woodlawn Memorial Park 022
Joliet IL
(2) plots available, located near Hills of Rest. Asking $900.00/ea., plus transfer fee of $175.00. For more information, call Jim at 847-676-5850.
Posted 8/6/14
Woodlawn Memorial Park II 023
Joliet IL
(2) graves for sale in Woodlawn Memorial Park II, Section E, Lot 284, Graves 1 and 3. Asking $1,450.00 per grave. For more information, call Bonnie Roberts at 214-715-1852.
Posted 1/8/2016
Woodlawn Memorial Park II 024
Joliet IL
(2) spaces and (2) burial vaults for sale in Woodlawn Memorial Park II, Veterans Section. Asking $4,495.00. Will include for free (1) single grave marker and vase. For more information, please call 815-725-1635 or 815-325-1147.
Posted 7/29/2016
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 025
(4) graves available Masonic Section Spaces 1 & 2 and 4 & 5, section 8, lot 252, we will sell (2) graves if requested. The retail value today is $2500.00 per grave. We are willing to sell for $1500.00 per grave or best offer, however you must pay the cemetery deed transfer fee. For more information you may contact Max or Sharon Turner at phone (217) 741-1488 or (217) 741-9797 or email us at maxt01@hotmail.com
Posted 2/23/17
Posted 9/18/2020
Woodlawn Memorial Park II 27
(Former Hills of Rest Cemetery)
Three adjoining graves in Woodlawn Memorial Park II, Section E, with monument privilege, being offered for $1,500.00 each, or $4,200.00 for all three graves. Seller will pay the cemetery transfer fee. Retail value is $2,495.00 per grave. Contact Sharon at 815-600-3420.
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 28

Two prime cemetery lots in Woodlawn Memorial Park, Joliet, IL available for purchase.
Spaces 1 & 2 in the Garden of Prayer, Lot 72B are currently valued at $3050 each and my price for both is $5400.00 which will include the Deed transfer fee. The future interment fee however, is not included with the property purchase.
Please call Barbara at (802) 457-4973 with questions or for further details.
Woodlawn Memorial Park Cemetery I 29
I have two plots in Lot 27 B at Woodlawn Memorial Park in the Garden of Our Savior. Value of each grave is approximately $3500. We are interested in selling the two together for $3000. There will be an additional transfer of paperwork fee of $249 per grave. Please contact Michael Crampton, email: mcram32107@aol.com or phone 630-774-4569.
Posted 6/29/2020
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 30
Two graves complete with burial vaults, installation, opening and closings located at Woodlawn Memorial Park in the Garden of Good Shepherd Section, Lot 295B, spaces 2-3. This a complete package asking $6500.00 each. Contact Glen for further details (715) 927-4756. In addition I have (2) additional graves in a separate section in the Garden of Good Shepherd Section, Lot 274B, Spaces 3-4. Asking $3000.00. Contact Glen for further details (715) 927-4756.
Posted 7/7/2020

Woodlawn Memorial Park I 31
Four plots together in the sought- after, almost sold out Garden of the Good Shepherd section. Retail value is $15,196. Asking $10K for all 4, plus cemetery transfer fees.
Contact Pam at plferg82@aol.com.
Posted 11/19/2020
(1) Single grave in Woodlawn Memorial Park in the Garden of Good Shepherd located immediately by the Good Shepherd statue. $1500.00 or best offer. Jody Bell 615-336-2282.
Posted 3/30/2021
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 33
For sale: Tandem crypt (for 2 caskets)
Location: White Swan Outdoor Mausoleum, Row 9-9, Level 4 Lovely covered alcove next to stained glass wall and near swan pond. I inherited the crypt and am not able to use it.
Selling for $10,000 (Current price $14,549)
I will pay the $249 transfer fees
Contact: Catherine Cohan
814-933-8810, cathycohan@verizon.net
Crypt with yellow tape, above flowers
Stained glass window next to crypt
Posted 4/28/2021
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 34
For sale one grave in Woodlawn Memorial park. Lot 345 Grave #1. $1295.00
Paul Wagner 417-967-9363
Posted 7/21/2021
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 35
2 Cemetery plots, prime area at Woodlawn Memorial Park
Section #4, Lot #529, Spaces 1 & 2. $5,000 each, you pay a transfer fee to get lots into your name.
Contact Judy Waddell, 815-600-1224
Posted 4/1/2024

One (1) burial space available for sale on a beautiful location of the grounds near Jefferson Street. A bonus is that either an upright monument or a flush headstone is permitted.
Woodlawn price for burial space is $3,799. Sale price is $2,500. Buyers pay $199 transfer fee. Please leave a message for LeAnn at 815-922-6221 or LMHReporting@aol.com
Posted 8/30/2021
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 37

For sale (2) cemetery graves, section 9 lot 301 space 1 and lot 302 space 3. Current retail value $3,799.00 per lot or 7,598.00 for both plus transfer fees. Asking $7000.00 for both graves plus transfer fees. For more information please contact by email sdb121@comcast.net
Posted 9/11/2021
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 38

$6500.00 for all 4, this includes transfer fees
William Messersmith
903-722-1528 or pastoredmess@gmail.com
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 39
Indoor Chapel of Peace second level, $20,000.00
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 41
Two [2] Plots located in Section 8, Lot 643, adjoining spaces. $3500 each space, includes transfer fees and perpetual care. $5900 for both spaces, including transfer fee and perpetual care.
Cash only. Call: (407) 716-9916.
Cash only sale will only be permitted in the funeral home with a director present.
Posted 11/16/2021
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 42
1 Plot for Sale at Woodlawn Memorial Park in the Garden of Rugged Cross. $2699.00
Please contact Marilyn Miller by phone or email. (779)242-9228 or godsarmy1957@gmail.com
Posted 12/23/2021
Two burial spaces in Woodlawn Memorial Park Garden of Our Savior including two burial vaults and one marker installed with a vase. If purchased today, this package would have a value of over $14,200. Because our parents are buried in Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery, we would like to offer this beautiful property to another family. Our asking price is $10,000. plus transfer fee, or best offer. Please contact me at blutz792@gmail.com
Posted 12/23/2021
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 44

23060 W Jefferson Street Joliet, IL 60431
Spaces 1 and 2
Current value $4199 per space
Asking $2900 for one space. Includes $299 deed transfer and $25 processing fee
Asking $5000 for both spaces
Includes one time fee of $299 (One charge if both spaces sell together) deed transfer and $25 processing fee
Please call 8156039270 for any additional information or to make an offer
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 45
1 lot for sale Section: 9, Lots 592 & 593 Space 4 or 5..
Not sure which one it is I think it is Space 5.
Asking 3000.00. I have the deed No 3318
My contact information:
Sonya Fazio Cell 817-909-4970 - email sonyameg25@yahoo.com
Posted February 24, 2022
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 46
Also there are two vaults for sale Valued by Woodlawn at $1,199. Asking price is $1,000. Plots and vaults sold together.
Barbara L. Thompson
815-342-9022. - please leave a voice mail if needed.
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 47

Single Cemetery Plot - Woodlawn Memorial Park, Garden of Our Savior, Lot 17C Space 2, Includes installed vault
$12000.00 Price is negotiable. Contact Tom 815-666-8132 or Pam 815-354-1566
Posted 9/7/2022
$3500.00 for both. Price includes Woodlawn transfer of deeds fee of $399.00 as well.
For a showing of plots or for more information please call 815-483-5062 and leave a message.
Posted 10/7/2022
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 49
Single Cemetery Plot , Garden of Our Savior, Lot 17C Space 2, Includes installed vault
$12000.00 Price is negotiable. Contact Tom 815-666-8132 or Pam 815-354-1566
Posted 10/7/2022
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 50
Two Side by Side Plots in Woodlawn Cemetery
Established in 1929, Woodlawn Memorial Park I in Joliet, Illinois is located at 23060 W. Jefferson St. across from Joliet Regional Airport. Forest Preserves on both the West and North sides surround the peaceful grounds which consist of 22 well-manicured areas, including a beloved swan pond, butterfly garden, solid bronze lamps throughout and the newly restored bell tower which is lit up at night and visible from Jefferson St.
For sale, in prominent Section 9 Lot 284, are two side by side plots.
Each space can accommodate either a full-size casket or two cremated remains. The cemetery provides perpetual care and allows flush headstones, monuments, and benches. These two plots must be sold together and are $8,000. Seller will pay the transference fee of $299. Buyer will be responsible for any burial expenses following the sale.
Please Contact Cindi Goron 815-685-0678.
Posted 10/20/2022
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 51

Two graves in Woodlawn Memorial Park, in the Garden of Our Savior, Lot# 71D, Graves 2 and 3. These graves are being offered at $4,200.00 each which is well below the current cost, and are in an area that has not been available for many years. For more information please contact us at colepack2004@sbcglobal.net.
Posted 1/19/2023
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 52
FOR SALE: Woodlawn Memorial Park. Section 9, lot 233, spaces 5-6. Asking price $7,300. If interested contact richdgutierrez @yahoo.com
Posted 2/12/2023
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 53
I have a glass companion niche, level 5, at Woodlawn inside in the “Alcove of Love”. Current prices are $20,000. Mine is available for $16,000.
If someone is interested, we would meet at Woodlawn to complete the transfer.
Interested parties can email me at: Murdaugh_r2d2@comcast.net.
Thank you! Rheta Murdaugh
Posted 2/12/2023
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 54
We moved out of the Joliet area to Texas. We have two burial lots in Joliet that we would like to sell. They are located at:
Woodlawn Memorial Park
Garden of the Good Shepherd
Lots 374A Graves 3 & 4
The lots there are presently selling for $4,199 each. We would like to sell both of these lots for $8,000 OBO plus we will pay the transfer fee of $299 on each lot.
My contact information is:
Nadine Inman
936-499-4990 - cell
Inmanfile@gmail.com - email
Posted 2/12/2023
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 55
I am interested in selling my single plot in Woodlawn Memorial Park in Joliet, Il.
Lot location: Beautiful location for loved one overlooking the swan pond, easy to locate. Please call for more information.
Asking $3,600.00.
Call Bill at 815-467-5056
Re-Posted 4/10/2023
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 56
2 Individual Full Size Mausoleum Crypts located in Woodlawn Memorial Park's White Swan Mausoleum. Close in Proximity to one another and as of March 2023 currently valued at $14,500.00 each. I am willing to sell at 9,000.00 each and includes the lettering and the future opening and closing of the crypt, a $2,900.00 value. I no longer will be needing these premium places of rest.
Please contact Mike Skolos 815-473-2795
Posted April 10, 2023
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 57
Four adjoining cemetery plots in Woodlawn Memorial Park at 23060 W Jefferson St, Joliet Illinois 60431. Located in section 9, the plots are under a beautiful tree overlooking Swan Lake. Current market value per plot is $4649 plus transfer fee of $199. Asking price: $4000 per plot, must be purchased together. Contact Gary at 815-351-1924 or via email at astroa9@yahoo.com for more information.
Posted May 2, 2023
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 58
Niche at Woodlawn Memorial Park Valued at $10,448.00
Asking price $7,000.00 Contact Enrique Vasquez 815-715-1629 or vasquez5089@sbcglobal.net
Posted May 2, 2023
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 59 Veterans Section

Posted 5/23/2023
Woodlawn Memorial Park II 60
2 plots for sale at Woodlawn Memorial ( formerly Hills of Rest) Location, Section E, Lot 335, graves 5 and 6. Asking $1,200 for each grave, $2,400 for both. All reasonable offers will be considered.
Please contact us by email for more information at: sharonbest29@yahoo.com
Updated 1/18/2025
2-cemetery plots. The location is Rugged Cross, Section 170B, spaces 1 and 2. I’m asking $6000.00 for the 2. If interest please contact me Barbara Reynolds at +18159541760.
Posted 2/8/24
These plots are located in a prime area of the Cemetery called The Garden of Good Shepherd. There are not many spaces left available in this section of the Cemetery. These plots are my parents, but they have moved to Mississippi, and no longer have a need for them.
Posted 8/29/24
Woodlawn Memorial Park II 63
Lot number One-hundred, sixty-nine (No. 169)
Section D
Spaces 1-2
Selling together for $7800.00 Contact : 815-530-6165 or rvk267@yahoo.com
Posted 10/10/24
Woodlawn Memorial Park I Mausoleum 64
2 indoor single cremation niches next to each other, Row O, P level 4 in the Sanctuary of Love at Woodlawn Memorial Park.
The retail value for these niches last year was $14,749 each. I am asking for $12,000 for both, or make an offer.
Contact Brenda King at: brenking8072@yahoo.com
Posted 10/30/24
Woodlawn Memorial Park II 65
Lot number One-hundred, sixty-nine (No. 169)
Section D
Spaces 1-2
Selling together for $7800.00
Contact : 815-530-6165 or rvk267@yahoo.com
Posted 10/30/24
Woodlawn Memorial Park I 66

Raymond Adams
Email: raymondadams52@gmail.com
My brother Richard is still local to Joliet and has the deed and necessary paperwork to help facilitate a quick and smooth sale. Please feel free to contact my brother directly at 815-715-5573.
Woodlawn Memorial Park II 67
Beautiful and serene location of six burial plots in Section E of Woodlawn Memorial Park II, (formerly Hills of Rest Cemetery). These plots have been in our family since 1947, and are located in a tranquil section of the cemetery. Lot 161, plots one through six. Asking price is $25,000 for all six graves.
For more information, please text or call Sherrill Moss at 678-644-4119.
Posted 1/6/25
We have two spaces (1,2) in the South Lawn, Lot 112, Section 2.
Looking to sell both together for $4000.00 and we are also willing to pay the transfer fees as well.
Please contact Tiffany (815)474-2203 for further information.
Posted 1/27/2025
Crest Hill
Holy Cross Cemetery 001
Crest Hill IL
Holy Cross Cemetery at 2219 Theodore Street in Crest Hill, Illinois. We are selling all four plots for $1,600 They are Plots 1, 5, 7 and 8 in Lot 327. We do not want to sell them individually, but rather they are to be sold all at one time. Please contact Chet at 713-871-1600 for more information.
Posted 5/9/15
Holy Cross Cemetery 002 Crest Hill, IL.
Two adjacent graves for sale at Holy Cross Cemetery on Theodore St. in Joliet. Quiet area at west end of this quaint cemetery. Call Norb at (815) 725-8087 for further information. Price is negotiable.
Posted 6/23/2020
St. Mary Nativity Catholic Cemetery Crest Hill, IL
(6) graves all together in section 16 of St. Mary Nativity Cemetery in Crest Hill, IL. They are all in a row and available for purchase. Current market value is $995 per grave, but I am open to any offer that is reasonable. Sharon (815) 744-7955 or (779) 456-1634.
Posted 5/23/2023
Resurrection Cemetery 000
Two graves in the Holy Family Block, Section 7, Lot 374, graves #3 and 4 . Asking $1,400 for both, plus $150 processing and recording fee. Contact James at 352-688-9224
Posted 5/16/2020
Resurrection Cemetery 002
200 W. Romeo Road Romeoville IL 60446
(2) Cemetery in-ground burial spaces in the St. Joseph section 82, Lots 2-3. Asking $800 for each space. Buyer assumes deed transfer fee. Retail $1,100/space. Feel free to call for any additional information:
Charles or Marjorie 815-725-3421
Posted 11/5/2013
Resurrection Cemetery 003
Romeoville IL
Double crypts, upper tier of Main Chapel building. Sacred Heart section, Crypt 20, Tier E. Retail value $12,000. Asking $8,000 OBO. Please call Louise for more information at 815-254-2598
Posted 1/28/2015
Resurrection Cemetery 004
200 W. Romeo Road Romeoville IL 60446
For Sale: (2) Burial Spaces located near entrance in Section 7, Ascension Shrine, valued at $2,200, asking $2,000/both or will sell (1) for $1,000. Call (815) 722-2646 and leave a message for Jean Lambeth
Posted 10/6/2014
Resurrection Cemetery 005
200 W. Romeo Road Romeoville IL 60446
For Sale in Resurrection Cemetery, Romeoville: Three burial plots in St. Joseph Shrine, Section 5, Lot 83, Spaces 10, 11, and 12. Asking $2100 total for all three, this a $1200 savings over the cemetery's price. Buyer to pay deed transfer fees (estimated to be approx. $150). Contact Ray @ 815-351-3032 between 8:00AM and 9:00PM.
Posted 3/4/15
Resurrection Cemetery 006
200 W. Romeo Road Romeoville IL 60446
For Sale in Holy Family Section (7): Four (4) burial spaces, southeast corner near road. Lot 670, plots 1, 2, 7, 8. Asking $3,200 for all; $1,800 for two (easily separable); or best offer. Cemetery price is $1,100 apiece. Seller will pay Transfer Fees. Please contact Richard at 708-747-7868 or Beth at B0707@aol.com for more information
Posted 9/23/2015
Resurrection Cemetery 007
Romeoville IL
(2) spaces in Section 7, Ascension Shrine Area, special price $1,500 total, a value of $2,200. Please leave a message for Jean (815) 722-2646.
Posted 10/15/2015
Resurrection Cemetery 008
Romeoville IL
(3) spaces in Section 5, St. Joseph Area, Lot 273, asking price $1,000 each ($1,200 retail value). Please contact Tom Jurkovich (815) 729-0884.
Posted 7/29/2016
Resurrection Cemetery 009
Romeoville IL
Companion Crypt located at the mausoleum on Patio B, Tier D, Crypt #115. The value of this crypt today is $18, 000. Seller will sacrifice at $13,000 and pay deed transfer fee. Please contact Louise Parthun at 815-744-1278 for more information.
Posted 8/10/2016
Resurrection Cemetery 010
Romeoville, Illinois.
Desirable location in Lot 499 of Our Lady Section 6 Graves 4 and 5. Retail value $1200.00 each grave will sacrifice at $1,500 for BOTH GRAVES or may consider any reasonable offer. Deed transfer fee is negotiable. Barbara Bizotti (727) 642-4215.
Re Posted 3/16/2017
Resurrection Cemetery 011
Romeoville, Illinois
(2) Graves available and will not separate located in the Shrine of St. Anne in Section 8 Lot 75 spaces 5 and 6 which has a retail value of $1,200.00 per grave or $2,400.00 plus deed transfer fee. This family is asking $700.00 per grave or $1,400.00 dollars plus deed transfer fee total. For more information you may contact Mrs. Colonna at (815) 726-2817
Posted 3/6/2017
Resurrection Mausoleum Companion Crypts
Two (2) Companion Crypts at Resurrection Chapel Mausoleum in Romeoville, Illinois for sale. These are a true companion Mausoleum location exterior patio B #103. The entombment fee per interment of $1500.00 as of today and is not included in this offer. We are asking for $10,000.00 total and are willing to include the $3,000.00 interment fee if a full offer is made. The value if purchased today would be $ 17,000.00 according to the cemetery without the interment fee. If you have any questions you can contact me at 815-347-6624 or email grip0821@att.net thank you Elaine Gloeckner.
Re-Posted 6/26/2018
Resurrection Cemetery two grave spaces available.
Two adjacent plots in Holy Family Section 7, lot 426, spaces 5 & 6.
Asking $900 each or $1,400 for both.
If interested please
Email: ckucer@ att.net
or call (815) 467-4571
Posted 3/28/2018
Oak Lawn, Illinois
Chapel Hill Gardens South
1133 S. Central Ave
Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453
For sale (2) cemetery lots Section 8, Lot 542-D Spaces 3 and 4 included with this sale the current owner will pay the deed transfer fee. The current value of these two lots according to the cemetery price list is $10,000.00 for both. This U.S. Air Force Korean war veteran and his wife are not going to use them and are offering them for sale for $4,000.00 for both graves. For more information please call Richard at 815-741-9074.
Posted 8/2/2018
TWO cemetery lots together, Garden of Apostles, Section 7, Lot No. 32-A, Units 1-2.
Cemetery price is $3,695.00 each for a total of $7,390.00. Will sell for $1,500.00 for BOTH lots together. Transfer fees and endowment fee of $250.00 and $50.00 equaling $300.00 (total for both lots together) to be paid to cemetery, and transaction will be handled there. Please contact Janice Johnson at 815/521-0126.
Re-Posted 8/22/2019